
Asher Zheng

Ph.D. at UT Austin
The Department of Linguistics,
University of Texas at Austin

305 E. 23rd Street STOP B5100, Austin, TX 78712


About Me

Hi there! I'm Asher ['æʃə] and my Chinese name is Zheng Anshun (郑安顺) [ʈʂə̂ŋ ɑ̄n ʂwə̂n]. I'm a first-year PhD student at UT Austin advised by Prof. Jessy Li and Prof. David Beaver. I'm in the syntax/semantics group and computational linguistics group at UT. Before that I did a master's in Speech and Language Processing (or Computational Linguistics) with distinction at University of Edinburgh, advised by Dr. Catherine Lai. Previous to that, I received a B.A. in English Language and Literature from Hanyang University, summa cum laude. My research revolves around the meaning of language and how meaning is construed in different contexts. The issues I am interested in and working with are clausal complementation, bias, evidentiality, QUDs, and many other aspects of QUESTIONS.

Outside of academia, I have been watching K-dramas for more than a decade. They are cliches sometimes but very relaxing every time. I'm not a big fan of sports but I do work out regularly. In addition, I like learning languages and practicing calligraphy but procrastination comes flooding sometimes.

Research Interests

Publications and Projects

  1. WCCFL43
    Anshun Zheng
    (in preparation) In Proceedings of the 43rd West Coast Conference of Formal Linguistics (WCCFL43), Seattle, Washington.
  2. InqBnB4
    Anshun Zheng
    In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Inquisitiveness Below and Beyond the Sentence Boundary (InqBnB4), IWCS2023, pages 40-49, Nancy, France. Association for Computational Linguistics.
  3. TLS2024
    CP Selection at the Syntax-Semantics Interface: A Case Study in Mandarin think “xiang”
    Anshun Zheng
    In Proceedings of the 23rd Meeting of the Texas Linguistics Society, TLS2024
  4. Manuscript
    Anticipating the Future: Forward-Looking Discourse Based on Question Under Discussion (QUD)
    Anshun Zheng
    M.Sc. Thesis Manuscript


  1. PLC48
    Anshun Zheng
    The 48th annual Penn Linguistics Conference (PLC48), University of Pennsylvania, March 16, 2024, Philadelphia, The United States.
    Anshun Zheng
    [Feb. 2024]At the Texas Linguistics Society 2024 (TLS2024), The University of Texas at Austin, February 23, 2024, Texas, The United States.
    [Dec. 2023]At the 2023 LSK Young Scholar Symposium, Korea University, December 8, 2023, Seoul, South Korea.
    Anshun Zheng
    The 4th Workshop on Inquisitiveness Below and Beyond the Sentence Boundary (InqBnB4), Université de Lorraine, June 20, 2023, Nancy, France.

Non-Degree Programs

Selected Awards


Membership & Activities