Hi there! I'm Asher ['æʃə] and my Chinese name is Zheng Anshun (郑安顺) [ʈʂə̂ŋ ɑ̄n ʂwə̂n]. I'm a first-year PhD student at UT Austin advised by Prof. Jessy Li and Prof. David Beaver. I'm in the syntax/semantics group and computational linguistics group at UT. Before that I did a master's in Speech and Language Processing (or Computational Linguistics) with distinction at University of Edinburgh, advised by Dr. Catherine Lai. Previous to that, I received a B.A. in English Language and Literature from Hanyang University, summa cum laude. My research revolves around the meaning of language and how meaning is construed in different contexts. The issues I am interested in and working with are clausal complementation, bias, evidentiality, QUDs, and many other aspects of QUESTIONS.
Outside of academia, I have been watching K-dramas for more than a decade. They are cliches sometimes but very relaxing every time. I'm not a big fan of sports but I do work out regularly. In addition, I like learning languages and practicing calligraphy but procrastination comes flooding sometimes.